The God Problem
How a Godless Cosmos Creates
Howard Bloom
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“Enthralling. Astonishing. Written with the panache of the Great Blondin turning somersaults on the rope above Niagara. Profound, extraordinarily eclectic, and crazy. The most exciting cliffhanger of a book I can remember reading.” James Burke, creator and host of seven BBC TV series, including Connections
“Truly awesome. Terrific.” Dudley Herschbach, Harvard U, 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
“Bloody hell…What a truly extraordinary book. I’m gob-smacked.” Francis Pryor, President of the Council for British Archaeology, author, Britain BC
“Is The God Problem a great book like Darwin’s The Origin Of Species, Lyell’s Principles Of Geology, or Newton’s Principia Mathematica?” Dan Schneider, the man Roger Ebert calls the “ideal critic.”
“Deep, provocative, spectacularly well written…great.” Robert Sapolsky, Stanford U, MacArthur Genius Award winner
“Strong…like a STEAM ROLLER…impressive…great.” Richard Foreman, founder Ontological-Hysteric Theater, MacArthur Genius Award-Winner
“Great literature.” Edgar Mitchell, sixth astronaut on the moon.
“Incandescent…shakes out like shining from shook foil and oozes to a greatness,” George Gilder, author, Wealth and Poverty, winner of the White House Award for Entrepreneurial Excellence
“The greatest f**king book ever written. The ultimate scientific detective story.” Mark Lamonica, winner of the Southern California Booksellers Association Nonfiction Award
“Mind-bending.” Charles Siebert, contributing writer, New York Times Sunday Magazine
“Ebullient, enthralling.” Alex Wright, Director of User Experience and Product Research, New York Times, author, Glut: Mastering Information Through the Ages
“Utterly extraordinary.” Matt Thorne, winner of the Encore Award, longlisted for the Booker Prize
“Thrilling.” Hector Zenil, Institut d’Histoire et de Philosophie des Sciences et des Technique
“A ‘page-turner’.” Walter Collier Putnam, 30-year Associated Press veteran.
Tiamut, the Mesopotamian salt-water goddess of chaos,provides two clues to the God Problem.
There’s a simple social rule behind the glories of Benoit Mandelbrot’s fractals. Yes, a social rule.
“Absolutely sparkling with ideas.” David Christian, founder, International Big History Association.
“An enjoyment shot through with things you never knew.” Allen Johnson, Ex-chair, dpt of anthropology, UCLA
“Infectious.” Mark Lupisella, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
“The central illuminations glow.” Robert B. Cialdini, Arizona State University, Author of Influence, the most cited social psychologist in the world today
Exalted! Glorious! Astounding.” Nancy Weber, author of 22 books including The Life Swap
What do fractals. dragons, and Pythagoras
have to do with Japanese swordmakers, the molecular structure of steel, and your moodswings and mine?
“An entire paradigm shift!” David Tamm, author, Tsiolkovsky’s Imperative
“A paradigm/mind-set/game changer.” Robert Steele, #1 reviewer for non-fiction.
“The next paradigm. It will take you to a place from which you will never re-emerge, a brand new universe in the same skin as the one you now unknowingly inhabit.” Heinz Insu Fenkl, director, The Interstitial Studies Institute, SUNY
“Profound and extraordinary.” Yuri Ozhigov, Chair of Quantum Informatics, Moscow State University, author, Constructive Physics
“Genius.” Jean Paul Baquiast Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris

The God Problem’s Big Bagel Theory of the universe has, guess what?
An explanation for one of current science’s biggest mysteries–dark energy.
“Entertaining, suspenseful, rigorous, and thoroughly mathematical.” Martin Bojowald, loop quantum cosmologist, Penn State, author of Once Before Time: A Whole Story of the Universe
There’s a cosmic secret in the weave of a sweater. And it’s not string theory.
“The God Problem will change your life.” David Swindle, Associate Editor, PJ Media
“What James Joyce’s Ulysses might have been like had he written about science. Don’t let anyone undersell this.” Steve Hovland, video maker
“The God Problem defies categorization. It’s a cascade of books within books within books like the best novels of Joyce and Pynchon.” Giulio Prisco, formerly with the European Space Agency
“If Howard Bloom is only 10 percent right, we’ll have to drastically revise our notions of the universe. There’s no mysticism in The God Problem– no God, no religion, no incommunicable spiritual insights — just the contagious joy of a great mind set loose on the biggest intellectual puzzles humans have ever faced. Whether you’re a scientist or a hyper-curious layperson, Bloom’s argument will rock your world.” Barbara Ehrenreich, author of Nickel and Dimed
“I have just come out from the giddy ride through things of the mind and mathematics that is The God Problem. Bloom takes us on a magic carpet ride of ideas about: well, about everything. And it turns out that everything we knew about everything is probably wrong. Howard Bloom is the absolute master polymath and his book is an intellectual cave of wonders made more wonderful by the tales of the lives of the people behind the ideas. Don’t start this book late at night, for it will banish sleep.” Robin Fox, University Professor of Social Theory, Rutgers University, author of The Tribal Imagination: Civilization and the Savage Mind, former director of research for the H. F. Guggenheim Foundation
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